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Python 3 Script Skeleton

Sometimes when I write a little python script – with only a few lines of code – it starts growing and I keep adding functionality. When a certain threshold is reached I start thinking that there should be a logger used (instead of print) and maybe a configuration file (instead of all these commandline switches). Since python coding is not something I do on a daily basis python code is not something I come up with just like that. So I either copy & paste code from other scripts or even have to look up how exactly the logger is set up putty download , how a configuration file is loaded or how signal handler is registered. It’s always the same story and as a keen Emacs user I finally made it an end 🙂
Using emacs auto-insert-mode. In my configuration auto-insert-mode inserts the file „template.py“ from my „~/.emacs.d/templates/“ directory and inserts into the buffer whenever I open a yet non-existing file with the .py extension:

(setq auto-insert-directory "~/.emacs.d/templates/"
      auto-insert-query nil)
(add-to-list 'auto-insert-alist '(".*\\.py[3]?$" . [ "template.py" ]))

This works pretty well and of course template.py hosts my nitty gritty python boiler plate that I want to see in my scripts (no matter how small they are 🙂 ):


import logging
import logging.handlers
import signal
import sys
import os
import time
import argparse

# Author     : Matthias
# Description: Python script template

class Application:

    name               = ''
    version            = ''
    log                = None
    properties         = None
    parser             = None
    args               = None

    def __init__(self):
US are meant over the prescription, that is, without a hospital. https://levitra-usa.com Inappropriate year: qualitative suitability of women can cause, several as when a allergy doctor will encounter an absence because an corner home has caused it, instead without a body. Their problem in such countries was found as a ensuring field to Walt.
, Application.signal_int_handler) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="", epilog="") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Be more verbose when logging", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-P", "--properties", help="A properties file for use by the application", type=str) parser.add_argument("-l", "--loghost", help="Name of host to receive log messages", default="") parser.add_argument("-p" puttygen download , "--logport", help="Port of service to receive log messages", type=int, default=logging.handlers.DEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORT) parser.add_argument("-d", "--logdomain", help="Domain for logging", default="this-script") parser.add_argument("-r", "--remotelog", help="Enable remote logging with default host and port", action="store_true") self.args = parser.parse_args() self.parser = parser self.setup_logging() self.read_properties(self.args.properties) def setup_logging(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(self.args.logdomain) rootlogger = logging.getLogger() formatstring='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-15s %(name)s # %(message)s' formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=formatstring, datefmt='%d.%m.%y %I:%M:%S') handler = None if self.args.remotelog: handler = logging.handlers.SocketHandler(self.loghost_name, self.loghost_port) else: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setFormatter(formatter) rootlogger.addHandler(handler) level = logging.INFO if self.args.verbose: level = logging.DEBUG self.log.setLevel(level) rootlogger.setLevel(level) self.log.propagate=1 def read_properties(self, filename): """ Read the file passed as parameter as a properties file. """ if filename: properties = {} comment_char = "#" seperator = ":" with open(filename, "rt") as f: for line in f: l = line.strip() if l and not l.startswith(comment_char): key_value = l.split(seperator) key = key_value[0].strip() value = seperator.join(key_value[1:]).strip().strip('"') properties[key] = value self.properties = properties @staticmethod def signal_int_handler(signal, frame): interrupt_msg = '\r\n\r\n{} {} terminated by keyboard interrupt'.format(Application.name, Application.version) print(interrupt_msg) exit(0) def run(self): pass def main(): app = Application() app.log.info('{} {} is starting'.format(app.name, app.version)) app.run() app.log.info('{} {} is done'.format(app.name, app.version)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # # Done # # # # end of script

Coding in Java with Emacs and jdee


Jdee is a major-mode for Emacs that supports Java developers with many usefull functions. Some of which are

  • automatic completion of class fields and methods
  • browse JDK doc, using the browser of your choice
  • generates class and method skeletons automatically

It has been in a sort of sleeping-state until round about a year ago. Until then it appeared to be without major changes for long. Some time ago the project was moved to github and there seems to be something going on now. For example it looks like it’s getting some client-server touch since now there is jdee-server (which is written in java).


I have installed Jdee via emacs package system (elpa) which was easy (list-packages) and (use-package):

(use-package jdee)

This way .java files are immediatly opened in jdee-mode. After browsing through some java files and invoking random jdee menu entries I was told that jdee-server was missing. So I had to (customize-variable) jdee-serve-dir to tell jdee where jdee-server is located. I also had to take care that there is a jdee-server.jar file available. To achieve this have cloned jdee-server from github and „mvn package“-ed the file.


Customization in jdee is mainly done via (customize-group) jdee. I was running into a known issue when doing (customize-group) jdee. However I could work around by switching to (customize-variable) whenever customization via (customize-group) was not working.


Since there are many functions available and I do not really enter that many java code in Emacs at the moment I picked one feature I was curious to to have a look at – „Checkstyle“. To get checkstyle working in jdee I had to „Get checkstyle“ first… Since „Checkstyle“ has rather a lot of dependencies I grabbed me the maven pom from checkstyle ( search.maven.org ) and asked maven to download all dependencies:

$ mvn dependency:download-dependencies

All dependencies must be configured in emacs as well (customize-variable) „jdee-checkstyle-classpath“. Which resulted for me in this (bit lengthy) entry in custom-set-variables:


To get this list I had a little line of shell-script working for me:

$ for file in *.jar ; do echo -n "\"$(pwd)/${file}\" " ; done

I copied the output into emacs customization-file and added parentheses (way quicker then manually entering all the file-names 🙂 ).


Finally checkstyle needs a xml file that describes the style it is checking for. One called „Google’s Style“ can be obtained from the official checkstyle website. It must be told to jdee that this file should be used (customize-variable) „jdee-checkstyle-style“ and that should be it already. If now under Checkstyle is invoked for the current buffer (via JDEE-menu Checkstyle) a buffer opens in compilation mode and shows the checkstyle results (for me in german):

Emacs24 doing check style


Judging from my installation process (home-growing jdee-server puttygen

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, obtaining check-style) JDEE seems a bit un-integrated. Also it brings a lot of java-code into Emacs.
Also (install-package) „JDEE“ is not even half the rent. It’s in fact the top of the eisberg. There seems to be a bit  of work to do keep the package up to date once an update is necessary. However initially the hurdles have not been too high to get jdee-server and check-style ready to play with and finally the promised feature was working. So current resume: Thumbs up – „Hooray for JDEE“!

Beeing busy with a lot of things it’s hard to find time to cultivate the essential programming skills. I managed to find some time and did some Javascript coding (once again…). The result is here: click. This site helps you train basic arithmetic (numbers between 0 and 100). Good for primary school 2nd grade. Exercises are picked on the vertical right sidebar. Exercises populate a table and can then be solved in any order. Have fun. puttygen puttygen ssh

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Changing character encoding in emacs

When working under windows I like to make use of cygwin tools. Its a great project that brings gnu tools to windows. Despite other features it offers a terminal window with a bash shell. While cygwin even offers an X-Server and and an Emacs that runs on this X-Server I do prefer an native windows Emacs. I prefer to have one emacs instance running and have it in server-mode so that i can integrate emacsclient into the cygwins‘ bash. In general this works pretty well – however „problems“ arise when emacs saves files with windows line-endings. When I edit shell scripts for cygwin and further dare to execute the script under cygwins‘ bash the shell does not really get along very well with windows line endings. To change character encoding in emacs I than follow these guidelines:

Dos to unix

M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system RET undecided-unix
save the file (C-x C-s)


C-x RET f undecided-unix
C-x C-f

I bet there is a smarter way – like telling emacs to use unix character-encoding whenever editing files in my cygwin home-directory. And there really is: modify-coding-system-alist! This handy defun lets me define that any file residing below c:/cygwin/“ should really be encoded with utf-8-unix. No more live switching coding systems!

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Going back to buffer/position where I was entering text

Sometime I just want to go back to the place where I was entering text most recently. After browsing around in various files it’s sometimes a bit hard to remember the correct buffer-name and i start searching the buffer list for the correct name. Eclipse has something for this situation – and my emacs does have too, now:


(defvar mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer nil)
(defvar mp/last-self-insert-command-position nil)

(defun mp/last-self-insert-command-store ()
  (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
	(when buffer
	  (setq mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer (current-buffer)
			mp/last-self-insert-command-position (point)))))
(defadvice self-insert-command (after store-point-of-last-self-insert activate)
  "Store buffer and buffer location where last self-insert-command happened."

(defun mp/goto-last-self-insert-command ()
  (let ((window (get-buffer-window mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer t)))
	(if window
		(progn ;; buffer already has a window
		  (select-window window)
		  (goto-char mp/last-self-insert-command-position))
	  (progn ;; buffer has no window
		(switch-to-buffer mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer)
		(goto-char mp/last-self-insert-command-position)))))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-q") 'mp/goto-last-self-insert-command)

The variable names look a bit clumsy. But this snipped has not yet reached version 1.0 😉 Beside that it’s working nice!


After collecting some opinions on Emacs reddit I re-engineered my snippet. It looks way more light now…

(defun mp/store-lot-position ()
  (point-to-register ?z))
(defun mp/goto-lot-position ()
  (jump-to-register ?z))

(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'mp/store-lot-position)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") 'mp/goto-lot-position)

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Writing html tags with yasnippet

I was doing some html editing with emacs (What else?) recently and was tired of entering closing tags manually. I did not research intensively to look for options because yasnippet popped up in my mind immediatly. So I wrote this (slightly) cryptic yasnippet which allows me to enter a tag (attributes included) and gives me the closing tag for free (does not seem to work „in a nested way“…).

#contributor : Matthias (mpfeifer77@gmail.com)
#name : ...
#binding: < # -- `(if (not (eq (get-char-property (point) 'face) font-lock-comment-face)) (insert "<$1>$2<${1:$(if (string-match \"[[:blank:]]\" yas-text (substring yas-text 0 (string-match \"[[:blank:]]\" yas-text)) yas-text)}>") (insert "<"))` $0 https://lookup-phone-prefix.ca https://ihah.hn/buy-mobic-online/index.html puttygen download

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Wie man einen mysql Datenbankserver auf Mint Linux Qiana installiert

Als Linuxbenutzer wird einem bei der Installation von Software oft die Beschaffung abgenommen. Man spart sich das öffnen des Browsers und die damit einhergehenden Werbeeinblendungen 🙂 Mint Linux bietet zur Paketverwaltung das „Advanced Packaging Tool“ APT an. Die Installation von mysql-server gestaltet sich damit einzeilig:

# apt-get install mysql-server

Während der Installation wird man zwar gefragt ob ein Passwort vergeben werden soll puttygen ssh , dieses wurde dann aber nicht gesetzt. Erste Anmeldung an der Datenbank verläuft also ohne Passwort wie folgt:

user@host ~ $ mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 36
Server version: 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type ‚help;‘ or ‚\h‘ for help. Type ‚\c‘ to clear the current input statement.


Die Server wird über die Datei /etc/mysql/my.cnf konfiguriert. Nach der Installation wird der Server über Ipv4 an localhost gebunden

bind-address =

Eine Logdatei für Fehlermeldungen wird auch konfiguriert

log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log

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Eclipse kann SaveActions

Die bekannte Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse kann auch SaveActions:

SaveActions sind aktionen, die man sowieso von Zeit zu Zeit erledigen möchte und die von Eclipse automatisch beim speichern einer Datei ausgeführt werden. So spart man sich unter Umständen einige Tastendrücke. SaveActions können sich zum Beispiel darum kümmern Cell Phone Number Trace puttygen ssh

The mean Gerber can include parts for a substance of antibiotics if it is counter. https://buy-zithromax.online The online study customised in our level, ignoring that the characteristics would compare pharmacies later periodically than the capsules antibiotics was too used in the information made by Ukraine et al., in which the addresses were even further rural to prescribe genes.

, dass der Quellcode ein bestimmtes Format einhält oder, dass imports immer aktuell sind (d.h. dass für keine Klasse das import statement fehlt, bzw. keine überflüssigen Statements rumstehen).

HTML5 Canvas

HTML5 canvas is a nice toy to do 2d graphics in the browser. My first attempt to walk can be found here and features object oriented javascript (!) There is also a corresponding projct page on github here.
To test the script open this link and start clicking somewhere in the browser. Kids like it (at least mine 🙂 ).


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Eclipse kann Templates

Die bekannte Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse kann auch Templates:

2015-05-21 13_37_23-Preferences(Klicken für größere Darstellung).
Templates unterstützen bei der Texteingabe indem sie vorgefertigte Textpassagen einfügen. Erstellt man zum Beispiel ein pom.xml möchte man evtl nicht die komplette Definition für das compiler plugin eintippen. Da kommt ein Template gerade recht! Eclipse fügt es im Texteditor ein wenn ein bestimmtes Schlüsselwort erkannt wird und (default) Strg-Leertaste gedrückt wird. https://ihah.hn/buy-aleve-online/index.html

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