Sometime I just want to go back to the place where I was entering text most recently. After browsing around in various files it’s sometimes a bit hard to remember the correct buffer-name and i start searching the buffer list for the correct name. Eclipse has something for this situation – and my emacs does have too, now:


(defvar mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer nil)
(defvar mp/last-self-insert-command-position nil)

(defun mp/last-self-insert-command-store ()
  (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
	(when buffer
	  (setq mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer (current-buffer)
			mp/last-self-insert-command-position (point)))))
(defadvice self-insert-command (after store-point-of-last-self-insert activate)
  "Store buffer and buffer location where last self-insert-command happened."

(defun mp/goto-last-self-insert-command ()
  (let ((window (get-buffer-window mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer t)))
	(if window
		(progn ;; buffer already has a window
		  (select-window window)
		  (goto-char mp/last-self-insert-command-position))
	  (progn ;; buffer has no window
		(switch-to-buffer mp/last-self-insert-command-buffer)
		(goto-char mp/last-self-insert-command-position)))))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-q") 'mp/goto-last-self-insert-command)

The variable names look a bit clumsy. But this snipped has not yet reached version 1.0 😉 Beside that it’s working nice!


After collecting some opinions on Emacs reddit I re-engineered my snippet. It looks way more light now…

(defun mp/store-lot-position ()
  (point-to-register ?z))
(defun mp/goto-lot-position ()
  (jump-to-register ?z))

(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'mp/store-lot-position)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") 'mp/goto-lot-position)

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